Friday, June 30, 2006

Primal Quest Day 5

We've had a bit of a shake-up in the standings overnight. Nike has continued to hold the top spot they claimed yesterday, but GoLite is coming on strong and has moved firmly into second place, and is trying to close the gap with the leaders. Merrell has fallen into third, about six hours out off the pace. Meanwhile, Canadian team Supplierpipeline has moved into fourth place with a strong move yesterday, and they are followed by Team SOLE in fifth. Spyder, who had been racing very strongly, has currently fallen into 8th.

There are still plenty of miles to be raced, but Nike is extremely hard to catch once they are out in front. GoLite has a chance of catching them, but barring a dark zone, injury, or major navigation error, it's going to be tough. The race for the podium is turning out to be as exciting as any Primal Quest in the past, especially as teams jockey for third place. Can Merrell hold on for a podium finish? Will Supplierpipeline catch them in the final legs? I can't wait to watch it all unfold.

As a side note, I want to commend PQ CEO Rich Brazeau, course designer Don Mann, and the rest of the Primal Quest crew for putting together a heck of a race. In my opinion, it's been the best PQ so far, and I can't wait to watch it on television this fall. (When the offical deal is announced of course. ;) )

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