Saturday, June 24, 2006

Primal Quest on ABC/ESPN in HD??

Yak, over at Check Point Zero is reporting in his Yak Blog that Primal Quest will air later this year on ABC or ESPN. This hasn't been confirmed yet, but he expects a press release any day. It seems the logos for both ABC and ESPNHD are clearly on the PQ promotional materials. The best part is that ESPNHD logo seems to indicate the event will be filmed in HD! Awesome news, as an event like Primal Quest shoud look great in HD, and as an HDTV owner and fan of adventure racing, I can't wait to see it.

Update: According to the Summit Daily News PQ will air on ESPN2 in October with four hour long episodes, with a fifth episode airing on ABC on a Sunday afternoon. Sounds like great coverage! Hopefully they'll confirm the HD part soon too.

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