Friday, June 30, 2006

It's A Two Team Race Now!

The lead teams are coming down the stretch, and are expected to cross the finish line sometime tonight. As I type this, Nike hold an hour and a half lead over GoLite/Timberland, who in turn have a couple of hours on Merrell who are fighting off a late surging Supplierpipeline. SOLE is running in fifth place at the moment.

The question now is, can anyone catch Nike? At this point of the race, I'd say no. Nike has a killer instinct when they can smell the finish line, so I don't expect GoLite to catch them. It'll be interesting to see if Merrell stll has one more kick in them to put some pressure on GoLite and stave off the Canadians. It should be an exciting finish as the three spots on the podium get filled out. Just wish I was there to see how it unfolds.

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