Saturday, July 1, 2006

Nike Wins Primal Quest!

It's official. Nike crossed the finish line ahead of GoLite this morning, claiming their fourth straight PQ title. Early this morning, both teams were pulled off the final ropes leg because of a lightning storm in the area, and both were forced to re-climb that section. GoLite pushed Nike to the end, but it wasn't enough to catch them. You can read all about the finish here.

Meanwhile, the vast majority of the teams are still out on the course. Merrell is about an hour ahead of Supplierpipeline at the moment, and they'll most likely decide who gets to stand on the podium next to Nike and GoLite. PQ started out with 89 teams. Two have finished, 67 more are still racing, and 20 have withdrawn for one reason or another. Considering the difficulty of the course, and the heat the teams have had to deal with, I'm surprised that only 20 teams have pulled out. More later as we get further news and teams crossing the finish line.

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