Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The Mongol Ralley!

I just discovered the Mongol Ralley today, and I must say it sounds like an adventure I'd love to undertake! The Mongol Rally is an annual race from London, England, to Ulan Bator, Mongolia. The race will over 1/4 of the globe, with the course running over 8000 miles! Oh! And one other thing, your car must not have more than 1 liter of power, which means it's none too fast or fancy. The teams of two must also be self supported, which makes for an even bigger challenge. The Official website has text updates from the teams (who seem to currently bein along the Russian/Kazak border), an overview of the event, a list of teams and their websites, a whole lot more. You can bet I'll be keeping an eye on this one, as it seems like such a great adventure! I'd love to do this with a couple of my best friends.

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