Friday, July 14, 2006

Raid Savoy This Weekend

The third, and final qualifier, for this years Raid: World Championship, will take place this weekend in the Savor region of France. Checkpoint Zero has a weather report and course overview for the weekend activies, and it looks like it should be another fun, challenging race. Were I pressed to pick a team to win, I'd probably place my money on Les Arcs Quechua, the French team that has been racing so well over the past year or so. They'll have the home field advantage for sure, and have been clicking on all cylinders in these Raid events. Of course, you should never count out Nike, who are listed as racing in this event, but I haven't had that confirmed just yet.

Update: Checking the Nike website's schedule, shows that they have removed this race from their list, so it appears they will not be racing this weekend in France. My guess is, since they won the earlier qualifier in Idaho, they elected to pass on this one.

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