Saturday, July 15, 2006

Raid Savoy Update

The third stage of the Raid qualifying races kicked off this morning in the Savory region of France. You can find updates over at the official Raid website. As of this moment, through Stage D, Wilsa Sport Helly Hansen has the lead on the course, followed by ERTIPS, German team Saab Salomon, Les Arcs Quechua 2, and Salomon Espana rounding out the top 5. You'll recall that yesterday I predicted that Les Arcs Quechua would take this stage of the race, and you'll see there is a team with that name in the top 5. However, that is team 2 of the Les Arcs Quechua teams. Where is the one I picked you ask? They're currently in 19th place, about an hour and a half back. If they're going to make me look like I know what I'm talking about, they'd better get moving!

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