Friday, July 14, 2006

Want To Learn More About Adventure Racing?

I've been posting a lot about adventure racing over the past month or so. There have been a number of great races, not the least of which was Primal Quest which I talked about extensively. I've sort of taken for granted that many of you who have found my little blog knew what adventure racing was all about, which I've come to learn is not always the case. So, if you'd like to learn more, may I recommend this great library of resources over at

You'll find everything you'll need to get a grasp on the sport, from some excellent articles on the basics of adventure racing, including how to get started, and the origins of the sport. There are some great training tips, and excellent list of all the gear you'll need. (Believe me, you'll need a lot of gear!) There is even a nice section for support crews and the basics of navigation. That should give you something to read over the weekend and keep you plenty busy for awhile.

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