Friday, June 30, 2006

New Ultra- and Trail Running Blog

Mountain Zone has long been one of my favorite websites for new on the outdoor sports that interest me, including climbing, mountain biking, adventure racing, snowboarding, and more. But lately they've been adding a lot of blogs to their stable, and it's made them even better. Blogs are a sign of the times. They're popping up everywhere, and it seems everyone is writing one these days. Hell! Even I have a blog!! ;) Anyway, there is a new one over at Mountain Zone that caught my eye this afternoon. It's written by Krissy Moehl and promises to look into the world of ultramarathons and trail running, which happen to be two more of my favorite topics.

Krissy kicks of the new blog with a look at Primal Quest (What else?) and mentions some teams to keep an eye on. But she also lays out her schedule for the next few months as she heads out for a Summer of Adventure. Sure wish I could join her on a couple of those trips. Hopefully she'll be sharing some of the fun with us throughout the rest of the Summer.

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