Tuesday, December 16, 2008

More K2 Stories Emerging

It's been more than five months since the tragedy on K2 unfolded while we watched from home, waiting for news on the situation. As time has passed, we've continued to get a clearer picture of what went down on the mountain that fateful day at the beginning of August, and while we may never know the whole story, details continue to emerge that paint a more full picture.

Take the latest post by Freddie Wilkinson over at the Hardwear Sessions blog. The story entitled "The Abandonment of Gerard McDonnell" brings to light a new story about how the Irish climber may have perished on K2 while trying to revive other downed climbers. Up until now, the story has been that Gerard seemed confused and disoriented, most likely from altitude sickness. But when speaking directly to Pemba Gyalje, Wilkinson now believes that this is a distortion of the truth and that Gerard may have been working hard to save others, all the way up to the end.

Wilkinson has written about and investigated the K2 tragedy quite extensively. He wrote piece for the Huffington Post a few months back that told the story about the unsung heroes of the day called Heros in Fine Print that gave the details on Pempa's and Chhiring Dorje's efforts to save other mountaineers on K2. That story helped to shed more light on the entire situation, and this new ones does the same.

The author ends his story by saying that there are still many unanswered questions about the events that occurred on K2, and that while Marco Confortola has given his detailed account, fellow survivor Wilco van Roojen has yet to do the same. I guess we may never know at this point, everything that happened on the Bottleneck over the course of those two days.

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