Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Men's Journal Interviews Polar Explorer Todd Carmichael

Men's Journal magazine has an excellent interview with Todd Carmichael, who discusses his solo, unsupported, and record setting, journey to the South Pole this past season.

Some of the details of his ordeal are told for the first time in this story. For instance, it is revealed that for the last ten day of the journey, Todd was coughing up blood, even while he slept. One morning, he even awoke to find pieces of frostbitten lung in his spit. At that point in the expedition, both of his satellite phones were non-functional, and his stove was refusing to light. As anyone who follows polar explorers knows, the stove is perhaps their most important piece of equipment, allowing them to melt snow for water, as well as cooking meals, and warming the tent. Without it, it is one lonely, miserable experience.

Things didn't exactly improve from there. In his fatigue, Todd packed a leaky fuel canister with the last of his food and his GPS, all of which ended up ruined. Without food or a GPS to find his way, things definitely looked bleak, and the usual suffering associated with a 700 mile solo journey to the South Pole were amplified many times over.

But of course, we know now that Todd survived, and arrived at the South Pole in record time, besting the old record by just a few hours. This article tells us the rest of the story in regards to that journey, and you'll come away with an even greater respect for Todd. Seriously amazing stuff.

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