Thursday, April 2, 2009

Rowing The Indian Ocean: Sarah's Off! Again!

After first setting off back on March 16th, but having to be towed back to shore just a week later, Sarah Outen is once again back on the water, and making her second attempt to row solo across the Indian Ocean.

Sarah set out from Fremantle, Australia, just as she had on her pervious attempt, on Tuesday, and expects that it'll take her roughly 100 days to complete her journey to Mauritius, off the coast of Africa. In between, she'll be rowing as much as 12 hours a day, and continuing to battle big waves and inclement weather, both of which were an issue for her early on in the first attempt.

Before setting out, Sarah wasn't above having a little fun first. For April 1st, she and her team released some photos of her loading an outboard motor onto her boat, and made a blog post that she would be carrying a lot of fuel to power it, just in case. Of course, it was all an April Fools Day prank, and the young Brit got back underway sans fuel and motor.

You can once again follow along with Sarah's journey through daily blog posts from her support team in Australia, as well as track her movements on the GPS tracking page. Godspeed Sarah. Stay safe and paddle strong. Hope this second attempt is a successful one.

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