Wednesday, April 22, 2009

World Record for Kayak Drop Shattered! (Yeah, again!)

Remember awhile back when I posted about Pedro Oliva's big kayak drop of 127 feet? I even followed up with some video of the crazy feat. Well, it seems that that huge drop may now be a distant memory, as it supposedly wasn't just beaten, it was completely destroyed.

A new blog post over at the Tribe website indicates that extreme kayaker Tyler Bradt has set a new record by making a 186 foot drop! The post doesn't offer a whole lot more information than that, but the Outside blog is reporting that the record was achieved on Palouse Falls in Washington State. Apparently, Bradt is alive and well, with Outside saying, "He rolled up at the bottom with the wind knocked out of him, a broken paddle and an uncontested new record for the highest waterfall kayaked."

As of now, there are no pictures or video released, but expect some soon. There were cameramen and photographers on hand to witness the event.

One-hundred-eighty-six feet! All I can say is WOW!

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