Thursday, April 23, 2009

Ski The Himalayas Update: Ben on CNN!

Speaking of Ben Clark and Josh Butson, there was an update to their Ski The Himalaya website today that included a video from CNN interviewing Ben from Nepal. Ben updates us on progress so far. The guys have been trekking through the jungle, and are on the approach to Baruntse, the 23,390 foot peak the intend to summit and then ski back down.

Ben indicates that they are hoping to climb above the tree line tomorrow, and put the humid and hot jungle behind them. They hope to establish base camp at 17,600, and once that is done, they'll begin the climb in earnest. Ben also talks about the personality of a mountaineer, and what it takes to go on these expedition. Check out the footage below, then head over to the website for more updates.

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