Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Death Valley Solo: ExWeb Interviews Todd Carmichael

On the eve of his expedition to Death Valley, Todd Carmichael sits down for an interview with ExWeb in which he talks about everything from why he chose Death Valley for his next big adventure, his approach to trekking across the lowest and driest place in North America, and what he thinks his biggest challenge will be.

Late last year, Todd made a solo trek to the South Pole, setting a speed record in the process. This year, he was looking for a different kind of trek, and obviously one with more heat. The plan is for Todd to cross Death Valley on foot, and then cross it again, returning to where he started from. In all, he hopes to cover more than 430 miles, going self supported all the way. To accomplish this, he'll be carrying all of his supplies with him, including all the necessary food, and 33 gallons of water.

In the interview, Todd talks about "the Pig", the cart that he has designed just for this expedition. The two wheeled buggy will carry the load of his gear and supplies, as he drags it along through the desert. He went through several designs before settling on this one, which he claims he can jog with once the load becomes light enough.

Todd will also be carrying the latest in communications gear, so he intends to send back regular updates on his progress with photos and video from Death Valley as well. We'll also be able to track him through the use of a SPOT Messenger as well. If all goes according to schedule, he should be heading to the region on Thursday and getting underway on Friday.

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