Thursday, October 29, 2009

Why Wasn't My Dorm Like This?

Another cool photo from the Wend Blog today, this time showing us a dorm building at the University of Twente in the Netherlands. From the front, it looks like any other dorm, for the most part, with some slightly interesting architecture. But move to the side, and you'll find an impressive climbing wall that is nine stories tall and features more than 2500 hand and foot grips.

Now, I'm not sure what your dorm was like, but mine certainly didn't have a climbing wall. It barely had plumbing! Granted, it was a low rise building that was getting on in years, and mostly lacked any defining characteristics that would actually make it cool, but it was home, sweet, home for a couple of years. If it had a wall like this one though, I might have stayed in school longer. Maybe gone for that Masters or PhD. Anyway, check below for a shot of the wall itself. Very cool stuff!

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