Wednesday, October 7, 2009

First Ascent Gear Arrives In Eddie Bauer Stores Next Week

We've been reading about it for months, and even watch some pretty high profile climbers use it on Everest this past spring, but we'll finally get a chance to check it out four ourselves next week. I'm talking about the First Ascent line of gear from Eddie Bauer of course, as the company announced that the new equipment would be showing up in 183 stores across North America starting next week.

Apparently there will be a "First Ascent shop" inside each of the retail outlets to show off this new gear which is distinctly different from the yuppie apparel that they've been selling for years. Eddie Bauer has its roots in hardcore outdoor gear, but have made a bigger economic impact with their more fashionable mainstream clothing in recent years. The First Ascent line is an opportunity for them to get back to those roots and make some great equipment for the true outdoor enthusiasts.

Personally, I'm interested in actually checking out the gear in person for the first time. I've seen it online, read about it from the guides and designers who helped produce it, and I've even read a review or three on the stuff, but I have yet to see it in person. Being a bit of a gear hound myself, I'm looking forward to inspecting the new stuff first hand.

Considering the financial issues they've had in recent years, it is good to see the company refocused on getting their original core audience back. I just hope the gear lives up to the legacy of years past. From everything I've been told, it does indeed, but I'll have to wait to check it out for myself.

The First Ascent line hits the Eddie Bauer stores on Monday, October 12th.

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