Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Antarctic 2009: Teams Preparing To Hit The Ice

The 2009 Antarctic Season is just about to get underway, and teams are already traveling south to their staging areas, where they are busily getting all of their gear organized and arranging for transportation to the frozen continent. In fact, that is exactly what the Kaspersky Commonwealth Team has been dealing with as they have arrived in Punta Arenas, Chile and are now sorting through all of the vital equipment that will be accompanying them on their journey. This team consists of 7 women who will be making the journey together to the South Pole, skiing nearly 600 miles in the process. They are expecting to take roughly 40 days to complete the trip, with each of them representing a Commonwealth country, including Cyprus, India, Singapore, Brunei, New Zealand, Jamaica and the United Kingdom. One of the women, who was from Ghana, was forced to drop out at the last minute due to illness. Upon their return home, they hope to be role models for other women to show what is possible.

Expect to hear more updates from teams over the next week or so, as they arrive on the scene and begin the process of preparing for the flight to Patriot Hills, where their adventures will begin in earnest. The next two months will be a busy time at the bottom of the world, with plenty of explorers making the journey to the Pole and beyond, and plenty of climbers making their way to Vinson and other Antarctic peaks.

In the meantime, check out the video below, and see how I'd like to go zooming around Antarctica. Looks like fun!

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