Monday, November 30, 2009

Top Adventure Destinations For 2010

Today is adventure travel day over at Gadling, with the entire team contributing all kinds of interesting stories. For instance, you'll find reviews of a transparent canoe available from SkyMall of course, a story on rafting the Grand Canyon, and Gadling's gift guide for the outdoor and adventure traveler.

One of the feature stories for today's line-up is a piece I wrote on my selection of the top 10 adventure travel destinations for 2010, in which I select the places that I think will offer the best adventure experiences for travelers in the year ahead. The list consists of some old classic stand-bys, such as Peru and Nepal, but with some hopefully surprising additions to the list too, perhaps even offering some new suggestions that you might not have considered in the past.

When deciding what to put on the list, I thought about the places that I might like to go, while balancing the activities that those locations had to offer. I also thought about the expense of traveling to those places, as we all know that adventure travel doesn't tend to be cheap. Still, with the economy still struggling a bit, I think there will once again be some great travel bargains next year, which means that the places on this list should be as accessible as they have ever been.

So, tell me what you think of my choices. What did I leave off? What's your top destination for 2010? More importantly, can I come along with you? :)

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