Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Donate To The Kamchatka Project, Win Cool Gear

Remember the Kamchatka Project? It's the kayaking expedition to the Kamchatka Peninsula, located in Siberia, Russia that I wrote about a few weeks back. In the summer of 2010, seven paddlers will explore that region, making several first descents of rivers there, while researching the impact of salmon fishing on the region.

In an effort to raise funds for the expedition, the team is running a raffle over the next few days. For every $5 that you donate to the cause, between now and Friday, you'll receive one entry into the raffle, and if you donate $35, you'll not only receive a bonus raffle ticket, you'll get a sweet Kamchatka t-shirt too. The winner, who will be announced on Monday, Nov. 30th, will receive a Kamchatka Survival Kit, which includes a Nau Motil Commuter bag, a Primus EtaPackLight Stove, footwear from END, and a Kamchatka Project T-shirt. Two second place winners will also receive shoes from END. To help contribute to this very exciting project, simply go to this page and fill out the entry form.

So tomorrow, while lounging around, fighting off a tryptophan induced nap, hop on over to the Kamchatka Project website, donate to the cause, and give yourself a chance to get some great gear.

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