Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Summit on the Summit: More Training Video

The Summit on the Summit Project continues to build in momentum this week, with the release of another humorous training video, as members of the team continue their preparation for their January ascent of Kilimanjaro.

You may recall from the story I wrote last week that this is the celebrity climb of Kili that is being used to promote awareness of a growing global concern over clean drinking water, which is in alarmingly short supply in many countries around the globe. The team will consist of celebs such as Jessica Biel, Jimmy Chin, and Kenna, amongst others. The expedition is asking for us to sponsor a foot of the climb, all the way to the top of the 19,340 foot mountain, in order to bring clean drinking water to parts of the world that are lacking in that department. Definitely a noble cause.

As I said in my previous post on this climb, expect to hear a lot more about this as we get closer to January. When ever you get celebs involved with project, it usually generates media attention, and the cause is a pretty high profile one too. For now, enjoy the third part of their training videos, in which the Climbing Guru inspires the troops with an interesting song. :)

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