Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Rest of Everest Episodes 118: Photos Just Don't Do It..

Not only is there a new episode of the Rest of Everest this week, as there typically is, I actually remembered to download it and watch it for my usual Thursday write-up!

We're up to Episode 118 of the series, and it continues to just get better each week. Most fans of the show probably already know that the most recent episodes revolve around a trek that was conducted last spring to Everest Base Camp, with ROE creator Jon Miller joining forces with photographer Chris Marquardt to conduct photography and videography workshops along the way.

In last week's episode, the trek really got underway, with the group flying to Lukla and hitting the trail for the first time. This week, we rejoin the group as they continue the hike, giving us a great look at life on this type of trek, not to mention some stunning views of the Himalaya. Highlights of the episode for me include the shots from the trail, especially when the team came across a group of children on their way to school that morning, and the glimpses of the mountain villages that regularly dot the route. The entrance to Sagamatha National Park is also shown, which is an area of Nepal that includes a good chunk of the Himalaya and the South Side of Everest, which is a protected space.

As always, you can grab the episode from the Rest of Everest website, or subscribe to it directly in iTunes. If you haven't been watching the series, I can't recommend it highly enough, and suggest that you start with the first episode and work your way forward from there.

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