Thursday, May 13, 2010

Announcing The Brooks-Range Map Tool Giveaway!

The Adventure Blog and gear company Brooks-Range Mountaineering Equipment have teamed up to give away three of their All-in-One Map Tools, an indispensable item for backpackers, hikers, and adventure racers the world over.

The map tool is 4”x7” in size, is made of a non-glare, flexible plastic material, and has multiple scales for use with topo maps in the US, Alaska, Canada, Europe, New Zealand and Japan. It features seven slope indexes, a compass rose, a Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Grid and Three UTM corner readers. It’s accurate within 1/50th of an inch. The tool weighs just .4 ounces, and can easily be slipped into a pocket for quick access when navigating and orienteering in the backcountry.

In order to win one of the three map tools that we'll be giving away, you simply need to go to the Brooks-Range Facebook Page, and become a fan. Than, leave a note on the wall mentioning the Adventure Blog. The contest will be open for the next week, and after that, the good folks at Brooks-Range will select three random winners who will each receive one of the tools, which are valued at $21 each.

I know that these tools are especially popular with adventure racers, who use them to quickly plot their course and orient themselves while navigating through the course. There were a number of teams that used them at Primal Quest the past few years. For them, these tools are considered essential gear. But these map tools aren't just useful in the sport of adventure racing. Backpackers and long distance hikers will definitely see the benefit of them as well. When paired with your compass and a topographical map, they can make backcountry navigation an easier task.

Thanks to Brooks-Range for providing these to give away, and good luck to everyone. Now head over to Facebook and get signed up now!

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