A few days back I posted about the upcoming Teva Mountain Games and the return of the Ultimate Mountain Challenge, a multi-sport competition that will test athletes on foot, bike, and kayak. The Mountain Games are set to take place in Vail, Colorado from June 3-6, but if you can't make it to compete there, perhaps Teva can still share some fun.
Teva has joined forces with OnlineShoes.com to give away away a $2000 worth ot outdoor gear to one lucky winner. To win The Adventure Giveaway you simply have to answer one question, “What is the one thing you would bring on a weekend adventure, and why?”. There are multiple ways of entering your answer into the contest. You can go to this page and post a comment of 200 words or less that explains your answer. Or, you can video your response, post it on YouTube, then go to the same page and share the link, or finally, you can send a Tweet that includes @onlineshoes_com and @teva in it. Simple huh? The giveaway runs from May 25th through June 7th, and is unfortunately only open for U.S. residents.
The lucky winner will get some great swag. In addition to a pair of Teva water sandals, they'll also receive a Gregory Wasatch daypack, a Kona Cinder Cone mountain bike, and a Necky Rip 10.6 kayak. Everything you'll need to have a great time outside this summer.
Good luck everyone!
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