Friday, May 28, 2010

Steps To The Summit - Step 2: Make A Plan

Today's installment of Steps To The Summit, which comes to us courtesy of the Hanesbrand sponsored Climb With Us Team, focuses on making a plan for chasing after your goal. We started the series by Learning About Ourselves and discovering a goal that we want to achieve. In this video, it is all about developing a plan to achieve that goal.

For team leader Jamie Clarke, who hosts the Steps to the Summit videos, his goal has always been to summit Everest. And after identifying that goal at a rather young age, he started thinking about the things he would need to do to make it a reality. He formulated a plan to develop the skills he would need and network with the right people to help him succeed. He discusses that process, and talks about how those planning skills can be applied to what ever your goal is as well.

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