Monday, February 11, 2008

7 Hidden Wonders of the Sporting World

I love to cover some of the really interesting endurance sports events that take place all over the World. If they also happen to take place in some remote corner of the globe, than it's even more interesting. It seems that I'm not the only one who is fascinated with these events however, as has compiled a list of the Seven Hidden Wonders of the Sporting World.

If you're a regular reader of my blog, you'll recognize a number of the events quite quickly. For instance, the Marathon de Sables makes the list thanks to it's 152 mile course though the Sahara Desert. Another of my favorites, The Iditarod, makes the list as well. We're just 18 days away from the start of this year's event, and it's always one that I enjoy. The article also gives a nod to The Badwater Ultra and The Dakar Rally, which has sadly been cancelled this year thanks to terrorist threats of all things.

Thanks to Brian over at the Primal Quest website for bringing this list to my attention. Of course, PQ makes the list as well. You can't leave the biggest, baddest adventure race off a list like this one!

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