Friday, February 22, 2008

Epic New Traverse In Patagonia has the scoop on an amazing new traverse completed over a span of three days recently in Patagonia. The traverse itself actually capped an amazing string of climbs for two men who traveled to the remote region to challenge some of it's ionic peaks.

Dana Drummond and Freddie Wilkinson completed a three-day traverse of Aguja Guillaumet, Aguja Mermoz, and Fitz Roy by its North Pillar in late January. To warm up for the traverse, the two New Englanders put up a new route on Guillaumet, a new variation on Fitz Roy, and capped it with a free ascent of the Red Pillar of Mermoz. After that, the linked up all three summits on a three day traverse that was all made possible due to a prolonged weather window that opened up at just the right time.

Amazing work guys. That's a very impressive string of climbs you put together even before you completed the traverse. Looks like you had a pretty amazing January in Patagonia. Shame about those Patriots though huh? ;)

Thanks to All Climbing for bringing this to my attention.

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