Friday, February 15, 2008

Reminder: K2 On NBC Re-airs This Sunday!

Just a quick programming note for the coming weekend. NBC will be re-airing the Shared Summits K2 Special that was first shown back in November. The hour long program will give you an up close look at what a big mountain climb is all about on one of the harshest, most difficult, and most remote mountains in the World.

Standing 28,253 feet in height, K2 is the second tallest mountain on the planet, behind only Everest. But it is also a far more dangerous and challenging climb than that mountain. This show follows a team to a remote region of the Karakorum where they attempt to summit what is known as "The Savage Mountain".

When the show first aired it was part of a two hour program of the Jeep World of Adventure Sports. This weekend it will be a stand alone, one hour long show, that is set to be broadcast at 2:30 PM ET/1:30 PM CT. Check your listings to be sure however. I know that a lot of people missed the show last Fall, and this is your chance to catch it. The first time around, I thought it was very well done, with some stunning scenery, captured in HD no less. It was great to see a mountain other than Everest being covered by a big network, and while I thought the show was a little short, it did a decent job of following the climb. I still think it could benefit from another hour, but then again, I'm a bit biased. ;)

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