Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Rest of Everest: Episode 72

The Rest of Everest Tibetan adventure continues this week with Episode 72: Lhasa.

Last week the show ended with Jon and his friend Scott leaving Nepal behind and at last making their way to Tibet, but not before having a bit of an adventure at the airport just getting through customs. This week we get our first glimpse of the country itself, as the guys begin to explore Lhasa. The city is located at 12,000 feet, and the altitude quickly as an effect on the new visitors.

Watching the video from the streets of Lhasa and you'll see that it is in some ways like Kathmandu, and in many ways it's completely different. It has it's own look and feel with vibrant colors and lots of energy and life on the streets. Jon mentions that the Chinese influence is becoming more and more evident however, and it's pushing the Tibetan culture aside. His advice, if you want to see Tibet, is go soon, before it's gone.

Reaching Lhasa is one step closer to Everest, but this journey has been interesting at every step of the way with such an in depth look at Himalayan culture in both Nepal and Tibet. Can't wait for more.

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