Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Walking From The U.K. to India Without Money

I'm a little late on this one, but better late than never, right? A few weeks back the BBC posted this article about Mark Boyle, a former London technology businessman who set off at the beginning of February to walk from the U.K. to India. If that wasn't enough of a challenge, he's going to do it without using any of his own money. He says that he is hoping to complete his journey in an effort to demonstrate his faith in mankind.

The 28 year-old Boyle left home with just a few t-shirts, a bandage, knife, sun screen and an extra pair of sandals. He vows to not touch any money or use any credit cards along his 9000 mile journey. Instead, he'll offer his services to people he meets along the way, and hopes that they'll repay him with the things he needs. He intends to walk 15 to 45 miles per day, beginning in Bristol in the U.K. and ending in Porbandar, India. He'll pass through Afghanistan along the way, eventually ending at the birthplace of Gandhi, roughly two and a half years from when he set out.

It'll be interesting to see how Boyle's experiment goes. This is a journey of both body and spirit obviously, and I hope he achieves his goals of both reaching his eventual destination and having his faith in humanity met as well.

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