Monday, November 3, 2008

Doing South Africa on the Cheap

Following last week's post on tips for the budget traveler, this week we have more tips from The Times Online on how to explore South Africa on a budget as well.

The article notes that the current global financial crisis is making it challenging to visit certain places, but others can still be had for a bargain if you know how to go, noting that Iceland and now South Africa are attractive places to visit right now thanks to favorable exchange rates which can translate into a great time for frugal travelers.

For instance, the author of this piece recommends a quick jaunt to Cape Town to take advantage of the fine dining there, and if you have a few days, visit the wine country or take a ride on the Garden Route, a road trip through beautiful country sides with plenty of stately and charming bed and breakfast's to stay in.

But lets face it. If we're going to South Africa, we want to go on a safari, and there are bargains to be had there as well. Head to Kruger National Park for the classic safari experience, and now you can stay in local lodges bordering the reserve at a fraction of what they once were. He even recommends the famous Jock Safari Lodge for the truly epic experience.

I'm sure we're going to see more articles like this one in the weeks ahead. It doesn't seem like the economy will be turning around anytime soon, and more and more places will be offering discounts and favorable exchange rates to keep the tourist coming and spending. If South Africa isn't on your list of places to visit, patience may off with other great trips becoming quite affordable in the near future. As for me, I'm already thinking about spring adventures, and keeping an eye out for some bargains of my own.

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