Thursday, November 20, 2008

NBC's Ann Curry on Kilimanjaro

All week long on NBC's the Today Show the cast and crew have been zipping off to far flung places as part of their "Ends of the Earth" special. Matt Lauer went to Half Moon Caye in Belize (that's roughing it Matt!), Meredith Vieira went to Australia, and Al Roker hit the road to Iceland.

Ann Curry got the most adventurous assignment however, heading off to Kilimanjaro to attempt a climb on the mountain. She and her team struggled a bit however, and the news today is that they turned back at 16,000 feet, succumbing to altitude sickness and exhaustion. They did, however, stick together as a team, and decided to go down together, despite the fact that some would have liked to have continued up. They also came to appreciate the journey even if it it didn't include the summit.

Here's a video of Ann looking ridiculous on Kili at the last camp on the mountain, and talking about her experiences there.

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