Friday, February 20, 2009

The Greatest Travel Adventures From History

I posted this same story over at Gadling this morning, but it's a good one to share here too. Forbes Traveler has a cool story up on the world's most famous travel adventures, listing some of history's most compelling journeys that we can still do today as well.

An example of some of the adventures that make their list is the Lewis and Clark Expedition, which we can still do today in the form of a five day canoe trip on the Missouri River offered by Row Adventures. Or, you can follow in the mythical footsteps of The Odyssey with a sailing adventure in the Mediterranean courtesy of Travel Dynamics International.

Other great historical journeys that appear on the Forbes list include Marco Polo's travels on the Silk Road and for the truly adventurous, a circumnavigation of the glove in the footsteps of Ferdinand Magellan.

There is a little something for everyone on the list, including leisurely tours on big ships, trekking through remote areas, and horseback riding in Patagonia. The best part is that some of these will be more affordable than ever in 2009 thanks to a slow down in travel. So, if you've ever had the urge to follow in the footsteps of the famous explorers of the past, now is your chance!

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