Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Himalaya and Karakorum Winter Update: Broad Peak Summit Bid Over

A quick update from Broad Peak this morning courtesy of ExWeb who posted the news that the team gave up on the summit bid that was initiated over the weekend and have now returned to base camp.

According to the story, the six climbers who were part of the summit attempt, made it as high as Camp 3, which was established at 7000m about a month back, but high winds on the mountain made it difficult to proceed any higher, and after three sleepless days, they elected to go down and rest in BC.

Now, we'll have to wait and see if they can give it another go. It's entirely in the hands of the weather at this point, although supplies are likely starting to get low as well, and the last report said that getting a helicopter to restock them had proven fruitless thanks to the weather as well. I'm sure they are all debating what to do next at this very moment, and watching the weather reports to see if there is a window in the immediate future.

For now, Broad Peak, and all the 8000m mountains in the Karakorum range of Pakistan, remain unclimbed in winter. Will it stay that way for another year? Only time will tell at this point.

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