Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Save The Poles Expedition - One Pole Down, Two to Go!

Renowned polar explorer Eric Larsen has launched his Save The Poles Expedition, in which he'll travel to the three poles, North, South, and Everest, in the span of 365 days in an effort to raise awareness of global climate change and how the health of the Poles effects the world.

The first stage of the journey is actually already complete, as Eric arrived at the South Pole, along with the rest of his team, on January 20th after more than 41 days on the ice. He made his way from Patriot Hills, covering the nearly 1000km journey on skis. He has since returned home, and then set off again, but notes that he misses the snow and ice and untamed wilderness of Antarctica.

The expedition's official website has plenty of information on Eric's plans, giving more details on his goals, as well as information on his support team and sponsors. The expedition journal serves as a blog of ongoing events, and should be an interesting read over the weeks ahead as the journey unfolds.

If successful, Eric will join an elite group of 15 people that have been to the "three poles", and he'll become the first American to do so. Having already knocked off the South Pole, I'm not sure where he'll turn his sites to next. I would imagine that he's off to the North Pole next, hoping to complete that journey before the end of March, so that he can then head to Nepal in time for the spring season on Everest. Pretty ambitious plan, but seems most likely, unless he intends to climb Everest in the fall, when it's less crowded. At least on Everest he has that option, with the North Pole, there is a much more limited window of opportunity.

Thanks to the National Geographic Adventure Blog for the heads up on this story, and good luck to Eric in the weeks ahead.

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