Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Rest of Everest Episode 97: Hearts Racing, Hearts Aching

Wednesday brings us another new episode The Rest of Everest as we continue our approach to Annapurna IV, which we're tolda t the beginning of the episode is a 65 mile trek just to reach base camp.

We're up to Episode 97, which is entitled Hearts Racing, Hearts Aching. The show is once again hosted by Ben Clark, Josh Butson, and Rest of Everest producer Jon Miller. Ben and Josh were both on the expedition to Annapurna IV, and they continue to give great commentary and context to the video we see.

As the trek to BC continues, we get more amazing shots of the Nepali countryside, including a really great rope bridge across a beautiful looking canyon. Other shots show us the quaint villages that can be found on the Annapurna Circuit, as well as our first glimpses of the big mountains that we'll be seeing a lot more of in the weeks ahead.

One interesting tidbit that the guys mention at one point in the video is that climbing Annapurna IV actually has more vertical gain than climbing Everest itself. The team started at about 2000 feet, and Annapurna IV tops out at 24,688 feet, while on Everest's North Side, the climb begins at about 17,000 in BC and goes up to the 29,035 foot summit. It really puts the efforts of the climbers into perspective.

As always, you can download the latest episode from the Rest of Everest website or it can be found in the iTunes Store. If you're new to the podcast, go back and start at the beginning, and get the most complete view of an Everest expedition ever. Really great stuff.

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