Monday, May 25, 2009

Amazon Adventures #6: Dolphins!

My Adventures in the Amazon continue over at Gadling today, this time with trip to the confluence of the Ucayalli and Marañon Rivers, the two tributaries that come together to form the Amazon. It was at that location, drifting in our river skiff, that we watched the amazing freshwater dolphins swim all around us, while morning spread across the jungle.

Encountering the river dolphins was one of the best experiences I had while in the Amazon. The beautiful and playful porpoises were a blast to watch, as they broke the waters, often in twos or threes, all around our boat. There were two different species, the pink dolphin and a more traditional looking gray, and both were plentiful, although the pink variety were less likely to break the surface.

I could have stayed there, at the confluence, all day, watching those dolphins. Unfortunately, our time there was brief, and over far too quickly. But I was able to record video of the experience, which I've already shared here, but also posted with the story at Gadling. Watching it now, weeks after being there, it still puts a smile on my face. I hope it does the same for you.

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