Monday, May 4, 2009

Update: Missing AT Hiker is Safe!!

Last Friday I posted about a hiker who has been missing on the Appalachian Trail since Sunday, April 26th after complaining of not feeling well. The hiker in question, Ken Knight, happens to be a contributor to Backpacking Light, who happened to put out an alert for their friend when he hadn't turned up for a few days.

Well, we can all breathe a little easier, and uncross our fingers. According to this update, Ken wandered off the AT under his own power on Saturday, and checked into a hospital.

Beyond that, we don't have a lot of news about what happened or his present state. The update promises more information soon, but it sounds like Ken is going to be fine, with a heck of a story to tell. The fact that he happens to be a visually impaired hiker just adds to the story.

Anyway, all those positive thoughts must have done some good. I'm sure his experience in the backcountry was very helpful, and I can't wait to get the full scoop.

Thanks to Jerry for sending me the update. It made my day to hear that Ken was safe.

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