Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Racing The Planet: Namibia is Off and Running!

I failed to mention this one yesterday amidst all the excitement of the Himalaya summits, but definitely wanted to point out that Racing The Planet's new event taking place in Nambiba got underway on Sunday, with 214 competitors setting off to challenge themselves on a seven day, six-stage foot race through the southern reaches of that country.

Like the other Racing The Planet events, such as the 4 Deserts Ultramarathons, competitors must be self supported while out on the course, carrying their food, water, and other supplies with them while they run, hike, trek, and jog, through the demanding remote terrain. The course is 250km (155 miles) in length and winds through desert landscapes where temperatures exceed 120 degrees on a regular basis.

As of today, three stages are in the books, with competitors averaging more than 22 miles a day so far. At the moment, Spaniard Calvo Redondo Salvador Calvo leads all competitors, with Ryan Sandes of South Africa in second, about 20 minutes back, and Marco Olmo of Italy in third. Lucy Hilton of the U.K. is the top female, holding down the 4th spot overall.

This looks like another great event for Racing The Planet, who have branched out from the 4 Deserts races which have been so popular and successful for them the past few years. Last year they held an event in Vietnam, and in addition to their races in the Gobi, Sahara, and Atacama Deserts, they'll also have a race in Australia next spring. Sadly, the Last Desert Marathon, traditionally held in Antarctica is not listed on their schedule at this time. Hopefully it'll make a return though.

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