Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Q&A with the First Ascent Team on Everest

The Daily Dirt Blog over at Backpacker.com has a great post today in which members of the First Ascent Team answer reader questions directly from the mountain. After all, what else do they have to do while they sit and wait for the weather window to open?

The questions sent in by Backpacker readers include questions on the Nikon cameras the team uses on the mountain (answered by Jake Norton, whose Mountain World Blog I enjoy), to theories on the where abouts of Sandy Irvine's camera. They also touch on the acclimatization process for Sherpas (Hint: They don't need much of one!) and what the team does when they're hanging out in Base Camp.

And when you're done reading the Q&A from the team check out the video below which shows some of the current weather conditions on Everest. You'll notice more snow than we've seen before, and the time lapse shots show a lot more cloud cover higher up as well.

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