Wednesday, March 24, 2010

British Adventurer Begins Zero Emissions Circumnavigation Attempt

Dubbed a "zero emissions odyssey", the Because It Is There Expedition got under way today from Cheshire, England with 23-year old adventurer Kevin Shannon setting off to circumnavigate the globe using only human or natural power. That means he'll be cycling for more than 40,000 miles, crossing five continents, and sailing for another 10,000 miles across both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

The Route begins in the U.K. of course, and then extends east across Europe and Asia. Kevin will then turn south, and peddle his way along the coast of Australia, before sailing to South America, where he'll once again climb aboard his bike, and head to North America. Once that leg is finished, he'll sail the Atlantic to North Africa, before crossing back into Europe and returning to where he started. The entire journey is expected to take three years to complete, with Kevin expecting to face every kind of environment along the way.

While the adventure itself presents quite the challenge, Kevin is hoping to use it to raise funds for a worthy charity. He intends to raise £1 million for Combat Stress, and organization that helps British veterans who have been traumatized by their experienced while in the service of the country. Something that has been on the rise in the past eight years with combat operations in the Middle East and Afghanistan.

Kevin plans to keep us all well informed along the way using technology to blog about his experiences. You can also follow along on the adventure on his Twitter feed, where he is already sending updates from the road. He seems to be off to a good, but slow start, as he makes adjustments to his load and bike as he goes.

Seems like a great expedition and adventure. It should be fun to follow along over the coming months. I want to salute Kevin not only for his adventurous spirit, but the fact that he is making the journey in an environmentally responsible way. Good luck!

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