Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Siberian Express: Kevin and Ray Are Done Too!

Another epic adventure came to a close yesterday, as Kevin Vallely and Ray Zahab completed their Siberian Express Expedition, running the length of Lake Baikal, and setting a new speed record in the process.

The pair set out on their ultrarun two weeks ago, dragging their gear laden sleds behind them, and traveling south to north across the largest freshwater lake in the world. As has been a trend in recent adventure activities, they were running to raise awareness of growing concerns of the global clean water crisis, and specifically they were hoping to raise funds for the Ryan's Well and Giving Water organizations. Over the past 13 days, they have battled extreme cold, high winds, and widely varying conditions, while covering amazing distances each day, despite their weary bodies and heavy loads. In the end, it seems to have paid off in a big way.

According to the team's blog, the team not only beat the old record for a speed crossing of the 400+ mile journey, they down right smashed it! While no official time has been posted yet, it appears that Kevin and Ray have beaten the old time by more than a week. Very impressive stuff from two very impressive guys.

The blog also says that we can expect more information, including videos and photos, in the days ahead. As you can imagine, the guys are probably exhausted at the moment, and are hopefully resting some place warm and cozy. Congrats to Kevin, Ray, and the entire impossible2Possible team for another job well done.

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