Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Traversing The Presidential Range

With the various larger, and longer mountain ranges in the U.S., including the Rockies and the Appalachians, the Presidential Range often gets overlooked and forgotten. Sitting mostly within New Hampshire, the peaks that make up the Presidential Range don't stretch for miles, but they do reach as high as 6288 feet on Mt. Washington.

A traverse of the Presidential range is a popular pursuit amongst adventurers looking to for a great challenge. It involves hiking the entire 19-mile long ridge, while bagging some of the top peaks in the range. The entire hike involves more than 8500 feet of vertical gain, and offers amazing views for miles in all directions. The whole thing is captured quite nicely on the video below, with a group of hikers making the traverse in the winter. Looks great!

My Presidential Range Traverse from George Karaffa on Vimeo.

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