Thursday, March 11, 2010

JPFreek Adventure Magazine Announces iPad Version

A few day back I mentioned that Outside Magazine had announced that they would be publishing an electronic version of the mag for Apple's soon to be released iPad. Today comes word that JPFreek Adventure Magazine will follow suit, offering up an iPad compatible version of the popular Jeep enthusiasts periodical.

At the moment, there is no release date for when the iPad version of the magazine will be available, but more information will be forthcoming on This new method of distribution will also bring the magazine to the iPhone for the first time as well, opening it up to a new audience that may not have experienced it before.

Personally, I'm very excited about this news. As a contributor to JPFreek, I can't wait to see how it looks on the iPad. The magazine has always done new things with technology from the beginning, launching as a digital e-zine in 2006, and continually pushing the envelope in new directions. In recent issues, the magazine has even incorporated video and other multimedia elements that will feel right at home on the iPad.

The iPad will begin shipping on April 3rd, and pre-orders open tomorrow. I think it's safe to say that a number of our favorite magazines will be making the leap to the new device, which I think will be a very good thing. Not only will they be environmentally friendly, we'll be able to carry them with us where ever we go. We're also likely to see some new and interesting things being done by the publishers that will take advantage of the platform, and I can't wait to see how they utilize this new system.

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