Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Back From Nepal, Updates Resume Soon!

Hi everyone!

Just wanted to post a quick update that I got back from Nepal yesterday, after 30 hours of travel time home, and while I'm still getting my feet back under me, I'll begin posting updates soon, including thoughts on my trip and photos as well. The trek to Everest Base Camp was a good one, although it is challenging, and I would recommend that anyone considering making the trek be physically prepared. You'll save yourself a lot of pain and misery. Fortunately, I was up to the task, and had few problems myself, although others in the group suffered mightily at times. If you do make the trip though, the views are spectacular and breathtaking for more reasons than the thin air.

A lot has gone on since I was away, and I'll try to post updates as soon as I can. I know that that the Spring Season in the Himalaya is in full swing, with Everest climbers going as high as Camp 2 as they continue their acclimatization process. Up North, explorers have begun reaching the Pole as well, and I'll get an update on their status as soon as I can too. I'm sure there is plenty of other things to delve into as well, so expect a flurry of updates once I get the over the jet lag and exhaustion, and dig out from under the pile of work waiting for me.

Stay tuned, things will be back to normal around here before you know it! :)

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