Friday, April 2, 2010

The Wildest Dream Trailer

Remember a few years back when Conrad Anker and Leo Houlding went to Everest to climb in vintage climbing gear to shoot a film about Mallory and Irvine? Well, it looks like it is finally going to be released, and it also looks like it's going to be amazing.

At the time, they were hoping to prove that Mallory and Irvine might have been able to make the summit in their rather primitive, early 1920's gear. They even went so far as to remove the ladder from the Second Step on the North Side of the mountain, which forced Conrad and Leo to make a free climb of that portion of the mountain. While we still don't know for sure if the two men saw the summit (Where is that damn camera?!?), this film seems to explore way beyond those possibilities. Check out the trailer below and keep your eyes peeled for the release. Looks great!

Shout out to my friend Mike Barish, who I'm fortunate enough to be teammates with over at Gadling. Mike found this yesterday and sent it my way, figuring it was something we might enjoy. I'd say he figured right! :)

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