Thursday, April 8, 2010

Mongolia 2010 Expedition: One Week To Mongolia

It has been a couple of months since I posted my interview with Ripley Davenport, the man who is about to embark on the Mongolia 2010 Expedition, during which he'll be attempting to make a solo and unsupported trek across that remote country.

According to his most recent blog post, which came last week, Ripley is busy taking care of the last minute details before his boots hit the ground in Mongolia a week from today. As you can imagine, those details are pretty consuming at the moment, as he prepares to leave the U.K., not to mention his wife and kids, for a three month long adventure that will test his stamina, both physical and mental.

The journey will cover more than 1700 miles, beginning in the Eastern Mongolian Steppe, crossing the desolate Gobi Desert, and continuing through the Altai Mountain Range. To accomplish this monumental hike, he'll need to carry all of his gear and supplies with him, in a specially designed cart that was built from the ground up for this trip. Ripley will be pulling that cart, along with more than 400 pounds of gear, behind him across Mongolia. And he hopes to complete the entire expedition in less than 90 days. A tall order indeed.

Watch Ripley's website closely starting next week, as I'm sure we'll be getting more updates on his progress soon, especially once his SPOT is activated and we can begin tracking his progress in real time. I know he'll be in Mongolia for a few days before he heads out, and once that happens, he'll be dealing with every kind of terrain and weather imaginable. This is going to be one tough expedition, but having spoken to Ripley directly, I know he's up for the challenge.

Good luck Rip!

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