Friday, April 2, 2010

Chad Kellogg To Attempt Speed Ascent On Everest

I'm sure I'm going to regret posting this at some point, as the anti-Chad Kellogg brigade begins their invasion, but it's still news of an important climb on Everest this year, so I'm going to risk it none-the-less.

A few days back, climber Chad Kellogg left for Kathmandu, where he will begin preparing for a daring speed attempt on Mt. Everest. Kellogg will be climbing on the South Side of the mountain, in Nepal, and expects to spend the next month and a half preparing. During that time, he'll be scouting the route, establishing gear and food caches, and acclimatizing before he makes the summit bid sometime around mid-May.

Kellogg's goal is to make the trip to the summit in under 30 hours, and he also intends to go without supplemental oxygen and without Sherpas, which give this climb an even more interesting challenge and edge.

Those of us following along at home can get updates to the climb via the Veritculture website for the Everest Quest. Chad is sponsored in this endeavor by Outdoor Research, a company whose gear I've been very impressed with, and that has outfitted me with some good items to take to Nepal as well.

As for the Anti-Chad brigade, please save your e-mails and comments. I'm aware of the arguments for and against this guy and don't need to be reminded. Thanks anyway!

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