Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Pacific Row: Roz Kicks Off Stage 3

It may be a bit of old news at this point, but I thought it was worth mentioning anyway. While I was away taking a walk in the Himalaya, ocean rower Roz Savage began the third, and final, stage of her trans-Pacific Row. As of today, she is now ten days out from Tarawa, the end point for Stage 2, and over the next few months, she'll be rowing more than 3000 miles, to reach her final destination – Australia.

You can follow along with Roz's adventure on her blog. She's been making daily updates so far, and is reporting exceptionally hot weather, which is not too unexpected considering she crossed the equator just a few days back. It should also be noted that while this is a solo, and unsupported journey, Roz isn't completely alone this time out, as she has a little spider on board, which she's named Alf, who is keeping her company thus far.

The trans-Pacific Row began back in 2008 when Roz set out from San Francisco and successfully rowed to Hawaii. Stage 2 took place last year, beginning in Hawaii and ending in Tarawa some four months later, which sets up this year's stage that, when completed, will mark the first solo row by a woman across the Pacific.

We'll be following Roz's progress over the next few months, cheering her on to Australia. I'll post updates on a regular basis as she finally completes her epic row. In the meantime, you can also track her progress on the RozTracker, which keeps us posted on her location at any given time.

Good luck Roz! Enjoy the final stage!

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