Friday, April 9, 2010

Blog On Hiatus, Off To Nepal!

If you're a frequent reader of the Outpost, the official blog of, you may have caught the interview that I did with Outpost editor Jason Heflin yesterday. If you did read it, then it'll come as no surprise to you that I'm leaving for Nepal later today, and will be mostly off the grid for the next couple of weeks. But never fear, I'll be back before you know, and getting back to posting the latest news from the adventure community. I'm scheduled to return to the States on April 26th, and I'm sure I'll have plenty of photos and stories to share.

While in Nepal, I'm going to be making the trek to Everest Base Camp, a place that I've always wanted to visit. Considering the topics that I write about around here, you can probably understand why. I'm going to be taking some excellent gear along with me to test out on the trek, so long for a host of reviews on a wide variety of things when I get back. I'd like to thank Outdoor Research, GoLite, Mountain Hardwear, The North Face, Sierra Designs, Osprey Packs, Origo, and everyone else for helping outfit the trip. I'm looking forward to sharing my thoughts on the gear when I get back.

In the meantime, there is going to be a lot to keep track of in the adventure world. Ripley left for Mongolia today, Roz is preparing for the third leg of her Pacific Row, and of course, those arctic explorers are still making their way to 90ºN. While I'm away, the Himalayan season will really ramp up, so when I get back, there will be plenty to update everyone on, both in what's happening around the globe, and what I saw while in the Khumbu. I'm looking forward to the break, and visiting a new place, and I'll be looking forward to getting back home and sharing it all with you too.

Have fun, be safe, and I'll be back soon.

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